Chicano Poet

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


I want to be like Afred Hitchock
and make a cameo appearance
in each of my poems.

Sometimes I might appear in Caracol,
other times I might make
my poems walk alone in the barrio.

Sometimes I might board the Titanic
or I might become a Brown Beret,
or hang out with the Brown Buffalo.

Or I may just hang out with Carmen
and Cecilio somewhere in San Antonio
gathering tortillas together.

There is no telling where my poems
will end up next,maybe
in your neck of Aztlan.

But you can be sure of one thing,
I'll be making a cameo appearance
somewhere in the hood.

I might be publishing in Poets Against The War,
I might become a group of insurgents beheading
the Statue of Liberty.

Copper shavings all over the place,
the boys at Orange County Choppers
can build a whole new Liberty Bike.

In Central Park, Alfred Hitchcock walks away
and climbs into a bus, on the seat next to him
lies a book of my poetry opened to this poem!


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